For one thing, I want to apologize for all the random ?Something happened in Emily World!? notifications on the app.? For some reason it has stopped giving notifications if it is a picture-only post, and started giving notifications even if I have scheduled something for a future posting.? For example, blogs on the book of Jeremiah will start posting in January, but as I have finished them and scheduled them for posting, notifications are popping up even though nothing really has happened in Emily World.
Except a lot has happened in Emily World!
For one, an update to the app.? Check for that in case it makes a difference as we try to get it fixed.? And speaking of the app, check out the new fancy-schmancy badge they gave me on the top of my blog!? So fun!? When you click on it, it takes you straight to this app in the app store.? I love it!
But we are also still working on some things.? If you go to this website on a tablet or iPad, the layout is fixed again but still has the strange blue background at the top with the tiny icon.? Weird.? Allegedly, they are working on that.? Still.? A year later.?? So technical difficulties are part of the learning process, even if not one of the more romantic aspects.
Mostly I like to write, for writing?s sake.
And I am writing lots, even if my blog has been mostly pictures lately.
A whole lot of fun things are about to be published, and as they come out I will post links so you can see!? Hopefully some of it will be helpful to someone.? As part of my writing for Deseret Digital (which includes Deseret News, a Utah newspaper, and Mormon Times, a faith-based newspaper ? both of them online and in print), I have recently been contributing to a new website called ?FamilyHow?.? This website is great because it is not long-winded and nerdy Emily-ness, but quick and short answers in practical and direct ways.? I think you will love it!?? Any of these things that are published I will get to share links to on the blog, so you can pick and choose if any sound interesting or fun to check out ? whether to see my writing, or maybe to learn something.
There is more exciting news to share later, and thank you for your patience with technical difficulties and encouragement to write, write, write!

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